About Us

How it Began...

It was a warm sunny 4th of July Weekend in 2020.  We were in Port Austin, a small town located on Lake Huron.   The sun was hot and the drinks were cold.   The waves were hitting the beach behind us, and children’s laughter and music filled the air.  Sounds fun right!?  A challenge to a game of ‘Cornhole’ came about. We had never heard of the game, but sure, my wife and I agreed.


We were hooked instantly.  We were good at it too!  We played all day, drinking and playing this game they called ‘Cornhole.’   I knew I was going to buy a set as soon as we got home.  That’s what I did.


I searched Facebook for local builders and found a set the town over.  The pictures were gorgeous.  A vibrant US Flag painted behind the statue of liberty with fighter jets gloriously positioned above her crown.  I called, and went to pick up the set.   As I arrived, I was greeted by a young man and about 6 of his friends who were anxious to leave and clearly in a hurry to finish the transaction.  I made the mistake of throwing them in the truck and not examining my new purchase.  


After returning home and pulling the boards out of the truck it was instantly obvious I had made a mistake.  These things were JUNK.  Screws coming through the top, wood splitting, legs different lengths.  These tables were terrible.. I called and the seller agreed to return my purchase.  It was then I decided to build my own set.  With prior cabinetry experience, I knew I could build a pretty cool set of boards.  


As a veteran, the US flag means a lot to me and I decided to go with the same theme.  I made a rudimentary wood jig to paint the stars and stripes onto my boards and went to work.  I had built our first Flag set.  We had some friends over to play.  They asked me to make a few more sets and then was urged to list on Facebook Marketplace.  I thought “sure, maybe we can make a little beer money.”  Wow, were we in for a surprise.  Very quickly we were spilling out of a 2 car garage.  6 employees fighting for room..it was nuts!


Fast forward to today, we've moved to a 17,000 square foot factility in Oxford MI. We’re 17 months in (APR 2022 update) We have sold over 3000 sets! We have shipped to 49 states and (we still) build some of the most durable and beautiful boards on the market. We’ve made friends across the country and continue to receive overwhelming praise and support from our customers. We aren’t your big box online store and you aren’t just a number to us. Our boards are strong, and you’ll enjoy them for years. We use the best materials available, and our craftsmanship stands out. We want your friends to ask about your boards, and we want you to send them our way. Have them give us a call.  The number is (248) 572 - 4414.  We’re proud of our business, and we’re proud of our products. We know you will be too! See ya soon!


Good boards, good service from the veterans at Cornhole and Beyond to you, wherever you are.  


From all of us here, happy tossing. 


Nate & Jordan - Owners/operators of Cornhole & Beyond, LLC.